Monday, January 12, 2009

The Big Day (Pt. 1)

So my uncle took me home from the hospital, then ran out to the wedding rehearsal. While everyone else was out at the ceremony site rehearsing, my mom and I were feverishly trying to get me ready for the rehearsal dinner!

Now, I had a staph infection on my heart and in my legs... so shaving with a razor was out of the question... I had also been in the hospital for 3+ weeks... so it was not a pretty sight. My mother, who should win a mother of the year award, got Nair and put it all over me... and then rubbed like a crazy woman! And it worked! She also had to help me shower, because I had JUST gotten out of the hospital... I wasn't 100%. So we got me in to my dress, found a creative way to hide that ugly picc line, and off we went to the dinner. Everyone was really surprised when they walked in and there I was! Again, everything is kind of a blurr to me from that night. I was exhausted. And I still had a whole wedding to get through the very NEXT day!

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