Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Job changes

So Friday my boss comes in and tells me that my co-worker is leaving in 2 weeks and (like it or not) I am moving from my beloved freezer desk to the dry desk PLUS our GE desk. I sort of freaked out #1: the dry desk has almost double the # of accounts that the freezer desk does and #2: the GE desk is a full time job by itself! (One of the reasons my co-worker is leaving...)

*heavy sigh*

So Monday morning I moved back to the dry & GE desks... while a little intimidated, I had some knowledge of the dry accounts, and have done the small daily GE tasks before, but not in like a month or so. My main concerns were our 2 biggest accounts - Llano Estacado Winery & a dry milk account - which at last count had over 7 MILLION pounds of product in our warehouse.

As I have been working back there this week I have learned that the milk account isn't so scary... they just move A LOT of friggin' milk around every day. I have also started learning the quirks of handling our wine accounts (we have multiple - I never knew there were SO many types of wine!)... but GE. Man oh man... that account is going to be CRAZY. We are a small service area and we still ship, receive and deliver GE appliances EVERY SINGLE DAY. They work Monday through Saturday delivering stuff... we have 3 trucks, just for GE. OY!!

So time will tell if I can make the dry desk my own. So far I haven't freaked out too bad... of course Vickie is there, sitting right next to me. The real test will be June 2nd, when I am all alone back there... thank goodness Carrie, the woman I was replacing on the freezer desk, will still be here for the time being. She knows all 3 desks and can help me if I run in to anything.

PRAY FOR ME. Pray that this is whats best for me, and that I am not being set up for a failure OR to be taken advantage of (money will be an issue shortly... doing 2 jobs for the price of 1 isn't exactly fair now, is it?)

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