Monday, June 29, 2009

I am asking for prayers... for me

Early March God answered my prayers and I got a job at Wilkerson Storage Company. I was SO excited! I really wanted the job and thought it would be a great place to work.

Fast forward to May... my co-worker, who worked the dry desk AND the dreaded GE desk gave her 2 week notice. I was told I would be moving to her position (which is actually TWO full time positions, with ONE full time pay) whether I wanted to or not. I was mortified. Not only did the dry desk scare me to death, GE is a nightmare. I thought, okay... I can do this for a little while. Suck it up and just do it.

Well its been over a month now and, while I have come to love the dry desk, I LOATHE GE. My boss told me point blank that he has been there for 12 years and has never learned GE and never planned too... nice. He also didn't agree that it is a full time job, all by itself. This is coming from a guy who has NO clue what GE entails... nice.

So, I have come to the conclusion that I do NOT want to be stuck with this GE desk... especially with no hope of a raise anytime soon... The girl that left the position tried for MONTHS to get a raise, and they finally gave her like a dollar more, right before she found another job.

That is why I have started job hunting once again. Now, I am not one to jump from job to job, but I am also not someone who is going to sit around and let some job make her miserable, when something better may be out there.

So please pray for me. Pray that I am making the right decision. Pray that either I get another job, that wont take advantage of me and will make me happy, OR that my current job will get better... either way, somethings gotta give...

Thanks ~ Kendra

*** UPDATE *** Global Pumps decided to hire from within the company :-( oh well, wasn't meant to be

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