Tuesday, August 4, 2009


My husband went to do a load of laundry right before bed. All of the sudden I hear expletives coming out of Brendan's mouth! He screams "go move your car!!" (We live in a duplex, where you have to park behind one car to fit the other) So I run outside, barefoot, to move my car to the apartment complex parking lot right next door. Brendan jumps in his truck to go around back to turn the water off.

Water is literally pouring out of our house at this point...

Well in his haste, he leaves the front door wide open. Normally Jack is very very good about staying put even when the doors open, but right as Brendan left, a neighbor from the apartments walks over to the mail box. Jack bolts. Here I am, in my pj's, barefoot on a gravel lot, with a side yard full of stickers (thanks to all the rain lately) and my dog is bolting towards some random guy.

Luckily, he is a dog lover :-)

So the guy says, "everything okay? Your front doors wide open you know" (I'm thinking DURH guy) Then he looks at our driveway, which has water pouring down it. He says, "OH NO! Wheres the leak?" I tell him its shooting out of our washer connection. He says, get this, "I'm a plumber. Let me go get my tools and I'll see if I can help"

Does God look after us or what?!

Anyway, Brendan comes back at this point, has the water off, grabs Jack and Tyler goes to get his stuff. I hobble back to the house, because my feet are NOT tough. Tyler comes in and there is water EVERYWHERE. I was SO embarrassed because I hadn't swept in awhile and Jack sheds like crazy. DOG HAIR + WATER = ICKY POO!

I start trowing towels down and trying to keep Jack from having a heart attack because his new found friend is in our house. Brendan does some banging and clanging and viola! No more water. In fact, we are doing a load right now!

So all in all, not a disaster because my man is super handy!! And my dog is super friendly and God sent us a new plumber friend. Not a bad person to have on your side ;-) cuz you just never know when your house is going to turn in to a swimming hole!

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