Monday, April 20, 2009


I don't usually blog about anything controversial, but this has me all fired up.

Perez Hilton, a celebrity blogger and a homosexual, asked the 1st runner up in the Miss USA pageant, where he was a judge, a question on how she felt about gay marriage - essentially. She was not raised to believe in it. You would think, question asked, question answered, right? OF COURSE NOT!

This is what gets me about the whole thing, she is being criticized and chastised for not believing in it. WHY? Last time I checked the Miss USA pageant was held in AMERICA, where AMERICANS have the FREEDOM to live and believe however they choose.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a conservative Republican. I do NOT believe in abortion, I do NOT believe that God should be taken out of the public municipal buildings, so on and so forth. And I do NOT believe that everyone deserves a spot in heaven. When they break God's law, they go to hell.

This said however... here is MY view on gay marriage: if someone wants to be a homosexual, let them. If they choose to turn their backs on God's law (and yes, it does mention homosexuality in the BIBLE numerous times, and it is not PRO gay, I promise) then THEY will have to face the consequence of that decision when their time comes. If they have been ministered to, and know God's laws, then they know he has given them to live with free will and can choose that lifestyle. I do believe that if you are a homosexual, you are not going to heaven.

Now don't call the ACLU on me. This is just my opinion. And I feel it is an educated one, as I have heard what the BIBLE says on this exact matter.

It is 5:30am and I up blogging about this and that pisses me off.

I want to know why it is ok for (you) to believe in Point A, but not me to believe in Point B? Yes, they different beliefs, but ultimately, isn't that what this country was founded on? The freedom to believe what we choose to? Why can (you) run to the ACLU and sue me for whatever, simply because my belief differs from yours? How can you call me a pea-brained moron, just because my belief differs from yours?

I am so sick of homosexuality being shoved in my face on a daily basis and I am just supposed to say it is ok because the squeaky wheels are loudly shoving their opinion down every one's throats. I don't believe it is right. Bottom line. I do believe a Godly marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN.

I do not believe that the government should be able, however, to come in and say who you can and can't fall in love with, and create a life together.

There is a lesbian couple who we are friends with. I do not judge their lifestyle. It makes me sad to know that I will not see them in heaven, but that is their choice. They are a wonderful couple who have been together for about 20 years. They have a son together, and they are a loving family. That boy is one of the luckiest boys in the world to have those women in his life. I do not feel that it is up to the government to say they cannot get married, or not have the same legal rights as any other hetero married couple has. Should something happen to one of them, their son should be afforded the same right, as a child with a mom and a dad would be.

I know I may sound contradictory, but I don't think I am... I am a Christian, who loves her God and tries (and fails a lot of the time) to follow his path. I don't think it wrong to also love a homosexual couple. I am not homosexual, that is my choice. They are, that is their choice. We will all have our consequences one day for the choices we have made.

SO next time someones opinion, or belief, differs from yours, listen to what they have to say, respectfully disagree and move on. There is no need for sarcasm or hatred...

OK, it is time for me to try and calm down and go back to bed for like 30 minutes!

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