Wednesday, August 11, 2010

good bye Sally

I just sold my beloved mustang, lovingly named Sally by my best friends little boy many many years ago. She is a 2000, V6, standard. I LOVE this car. Always have, probably always will.

But about a year ago my old age started catching up with me in my knees. Sally is a stick shift. You get the picture. Well recently it has gotten A LOT worse and we knew it was time to look around for Sally's replacement. And we got our answer last month when we started talking to my in laws about a possible switch of their 98 Ford Explorer and Sally, for my 16 yr old brother in law.

We also started to look at used car lots even, just in case the trade fell through... through a series of events, we ended up putting Sally on craigslist AND my in laws offered to GIVE us the Explorer because they found a really good deal that they couldn't pass up for a newer car for Taylor.

SO, a nice family is buying her for their daughter... and I am truly sad to see her go, but its time. We had a lot of good memories, and a lot of close calls, because I am a terrible driver haha

I love you my Mustang Sally :) I will always treasure our 8 years together


  1. Ok, it's pathetic that I feel so emotional for you over a car! However, I have to admit that I have recently talked Rex into restoring my old jeep vs. the idea of getting a new one! So, farwell Sally! May you continue to bring joy to your new owner! (and a free car never sucks!)

  2. oooh Parker is gonna be mad! Didn't you promise that car to him when he was old enough to drive LOLOL

  3. Jen ~ I know, Im still pretty emotional about it... I know its time tho *sigh*

    Wenders ~ maybe he can have my Explorer in 3 yrs hehehehe... still need to know what we are going to name this new one!
