On February 10, 2006 I met the man of my dreams, literally. He was VERY tall (an entire FOOT taller tham myself), bald (not by nature, but by choice), had gorgeous blue eyes and a killer smile - AND all his teeth (haha)!! He was also incredibly strong (former semi-pro football player) and from Texas. Pretty much all of my criteria for a man - and more importantly, my soul mate ;-)
How we met is our little secret, but the fact remians that, after YEARS of prayers, tears and yearning in my heart... God brought him to me. He is kind, sweet, loving, romantic - really a gentle giant if you will, and best of all, respectful.
Our first date was basically a "blind date" because we had never met, or seen eachother in person. I was SO nervous, and he was too. He offered to let me drive myself, and meet him somewhere - very public, so I would be at ease, but in my heart I knew it would be fine, after all, I had spent hours on the phone with him a couple of days before, and somehow just knew I could trust him.
Anyway, he picked me up at my apartment and I'm noy afraid to say it - I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief when he was handsome (I know, I know). We decided to go to a place we both enjoyed, Fox & Hound. It had 2 main things we both needed that night - lots of people around and liquor!! We played a few games of pool (he let me win of course) but mainly we just talked... and talked... (and drank, but mainly talked.) Once it got kind of late, we didn't want our time together to end, so we went to IHOP - you know, nothing says romance like pancakes and drunk bar hoppers :-). We talked until 4am! But it was pretty late, and we were getting really tired. So he took me home, gave me a big hug and said "good night".
Now you girls out there, we all know that the good night can be tricky... especially on a first date... "WILL he kiss me?" "will he want to come IN?!" Yikes!! All of those questions were swirling on my head... but Brendan, being the sweet gentleman he is... took my hand, kissed it and simply left it at that. NOT what I was expecting, to be honest, but it was nice. Of course, me being the nuerotic, although, loveable person that I am, I thought... OMG, he didn't try to kiss me... he totally hates me. I'm never going to hear from him again... doesn't he KNOW we are soul mates and he will be ruining his life if he doesn't ask me out again?!
Needless to say, he called :-D the very next day and asked me out for coffee. He also said he needed to drop by a friends house to pick something up, and asked if I would tag along. OF COURSE I said yes! (Little side note: the friend was one of his very best friends and he didn't need to pick anything up... he was getting the OK from Nick! What a sneaky little trick - and by the way, I got the A-OK!!!) So, we go to Nick's and I see Brendan playing with Nick's to young sons, and oh crap... here it comes... I FELL MADLY IN LOVE WITH HIM... right then and there! I thought to myself, this man will be a terrific husband and father one day, and God... please let it be ME he does it with!
2 years ago
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