Monday, January 12, 2009

Very Important Events, other than my stupid illnesses

2007: 8 days after my surgery, my sister gave birth to her son, Wyatt Varis - on his daddy's birthday! I was lucky enough to be out of the hospital, and able to go see him. CUTIE!!! And watching him grow up has been the most fun!

2008: Riley and Taylor celebrated their FIRST birthdays!!

My aunt was diagnosed with cancer again, after being in remission for a year. My last conversation with her was when mom & I were on our way to the hospital, back in July. I am SO grateful every day that I got to talk to her, because less than a month later we lost her. We were able to drive to Abilene a few days before she died and say our goodbyes, and as painful as that was, I am thankful that we had that opportunity. I miss her and think about her every day, but I know she is no longer hurting or suffering. I hurt for my cousins loss, and their babies loss of their incredible, loving grandmother. But she will always be in our hearts.

My very best friend, Wendy, lost both grandparents within a few months of each other. Roy & Frances Kimbrell were amazingly, wonderful people who loved each other, and their family SO much, and their loss will be hard to get over.

Also, my sister-in-law gave birth to her 2nd child, Braiden. We are now blessed with 3 wonderful nephews. We celebrated our first wedding anniversary and Wyatt celebrated his FIRST birthday!

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